Friday, February 7, 2014

Founders' Hat

                        Founders' Hats
   Lots of Jammers wonder about betas, especially Founders' Hats. Jammers think these coveted item is the rarest item in Animal Jam. But are they truly the rarest item?
   The answer is, no. The rarest item ever on Animal Jam is the orange beard. Beards are WAY rarer than these golden top hats. The Founders' Hat did not even make it on the top 10 rarest items on Animal Jam (According to Julian2's video)
   The Founders' Hat is a golden form of the Top Hat, it was sold in the beta days for 40 gems, and was for members only. This top hat is a cream colored top hat, with yellow stripes and a yellow brim. 

  • In the app Tunnel Town, there was a free bunny called the "Founders Bunny" given to whoever installed the app on the weekend of the app being released. A few Jammers think it was called the Founders Bunny because of its similar coloring to the Founders' Hat.
  • People think there is a Pink Founders Hat. They might be referring to the pink Top Hat. However, the Pink Founders Hat does not exist.
  • This item is highly coveted because only a few Jammers own it and it is barely seen on Jammers' trade lists.
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