Tuesday, February 4, 2014


              What happened to skullies?
 I'm sorry for the small image, I hope it's not blurry.
 Anyways, these are skullies. They are beta, and they have been removed from Animal Jam. A fellow friend and I were talking about betas, and suddenly he brought up skullies. He said that skullies were removed from the game because Animal Jam Beta Testers/Staff thought that the item looked inappropriate on pandas. This item is a tail item, and is the very first tail item created.
 It is a brown ring with a blue patch (Personally, I think it's tape...) with 3 skulls attached to it. It was sold in Jam Mart Clothing for 10 gems.
 Skullies are one of the most cheapest items sold in Jamaa.
     It could be rare or not. First of all, it could be rare because nobody in the world of Jamaa owns it. It can be unrare because it has been removed from the game and is worth nothing.
A few people thought that it was banned for its punk design, and it was inappropriate for those young jammers. Since they never knew why, it is my duty to help you understand.
 Please don't forget to subscribe to my channel! I am Princesschewypaste on Animal Jam, and my requests are on, if you send a request I might be able to accept it :3

1 comment:

  1. My heart is pounding... am I the only one in animal jam who has skullies?! can you tell me what they are worth please omg...
